Marie Lu

Marie Lu is the author of the New York Times best-selling LEGEND series, and the first book in her new series,THE YOUNG ELITES, is out October 7! The written word taught Marie a new language, got her through high school, led her to take a chance on leading a creative life at a pivotal moment as college came to an end, and is now giving her the chance to see the world. Marie has truly inspiring things to say about when to recognize that you aren’t good enough for a story, how her visual thinking shows in her work, and what the push for diversity in YA has taught her.

Listen to her full interview here, or on iTunes or Stitcher!

Marie Lu Show Notes

IN THE FOREST OF THE NIGHT by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

David Eddings

Terry Brooks

Kristin Nelson, Marie’s agent

Pike’s Peak Writer’s Conference

The graphic novel of Rachelle Mead’s VAMPIRE ACADEMY 

Heather Brewer’s vampire series, EIGHTH GRADE BITES

Kaari with Caravan Studios

Rainbow Rowell’s project writing a graphic novel

Kiersten White and Jim DiBartolo on IN THE SHADOWS


Ellen Oh


“Yes, No, Meh” With Marie and Veronica Roth on CNN